Sunday, November 22, 2009

Drugs and Sanctions Busting in Australia's 2018 World Cup Bid: What Are We Thinking?

Thanks to the success of my fairplay blog, I've decided to launch a new site dedicated to the 2018-2022 World Cup race.

Now, everyone is aware of my long held belief that FIFA is corrupt, insular and leaves much of the world from play. Nothing new here! FIFA, the governing body of world football, excludes a great many nations from their organisation, while welcoming some others. Too many countries are left "outside" the FIFA tent, so it can continue to pillage for its own benefit among a gang of complicit members.

Well, FIFA's much tarnished reputation is about to get worse thanks to 2018-2022 World Cup frontrunner Australia's decision to hire Peter Hargitay as its bid advisor. You may have seen the 17 October Sydney Morning Herald article on this particularly nasty character's background.

Hargitay was twice arrested for cocaine smuggling and served time for drug trafficking. He aided and abetted the international fugitive--and apartheid sanctions buster--Marc Rich. Now he's "our" man. Our fixer. Shame on Australia. But par for the course for FIFA, a criminal enterprise of its own.


  1. Amen, brother. Hargitay is bad news. Im already furious with FIFA for allowing the French to steal the World Cup from my fellow Irish, but if they award 2018 to Australia with the likes of Hargitay in the mix, it confirms that they are irredeemable. Thanks for the new platform, Jim. Best, Billy

  2. Despicable, though not unsurprising coming from someone with such close ties to Sepp Blatter. You almost begin to wonder what these guys AREN'T mixed up in. Did Australia really think that appointing this guy would help their World Cup Bid?

  3. I can't believe my tax money is going to pay this guy's salary. Disgusting.
